Great Quakes Book:
This is the best Earthquake Packing List you'll find anywhere, as it takes into account the possibility of multiple earthquakes all along the major fault lines, similar to what recently occurred in Chile, and to a lesser extent in Baja California.
I would like to thank Karen Greenbaum, who lives in Rancho Mirage, California (near Palm Springs) for allowing me to give my readers a link to a 17 minute Earthquake Preparation video she produced for their residents. This is excellent information for anyone living in a California earthquake zone.
I compiled this book over a two-year period, after being told in meditation that there would be some enormous movements of the earth in North America in October of 2008. When it didn’t happen, I was confused, as on one hand I was happy it had not occurred, yet on the other my work seemed to have been done for nothing.
I asked in meditation why the earth movements had not happened, and was told that our own souls asked for a delay, as we had made enormous progress when we skipped two generations in electing the first black President of the United States. There was a great healing, which had taken place. I accepted the explanation and went on to complete my next The Gentle Way II book. I simply put the book up on the website, as I knew there were good suggestions in the latter chapters for anyone living in earthquake prone areas.
But recently I’ve been told that instead of one big movement, there will be a series of movements—“Chile Style” earthquakes, as I call them, with one earthquake after another for weeks and months. So some of these chapters will assist those who may be threatened by these coming earthquakes. Skip the chapters that do not.
Tom T. Moore
March 26, 2010