Tom T. Moore
Copyright 2008
Twelve years ago I learned I could request Benevolent Outcomes for
specific events in my life, from very simple ones to very involved
and complex events in both my personal and business lives. For
those of you reading about Benevolent Outcomes for the first time,
these are specific requests FOR YOU that you say when you desire
assistance from your Guardian Angel.
There are simple rules to follow when you request Benevolent Outcomes
in your life. You must request the assistance, as your Guardian
Angel is not allowed to assist you unless you ask for help. It
must be benevolent for not only you, but for all those involved in
the request. Even if you request something that is not benevolent
either in error or on purpose, it won’t work. It must
be said out loud or in writing, as this is a physical world. You
need to say it with some emotion and say, “thank you” to
your Guardian Angel at the end of the request. And remember,
you can never run out of requests or make too many requests. I’ve
been requesting Benevolent Outcomes for 12 years, so I KNOW they
work from experience, as I’ve requested MBO’s somewhere
between 10,000 and 15,000 times. Requesting Benevolent Outcomes
is a very, very old spiritual practice that I’ll explain below.
Begin with simple requests such as a parking space near a busy restaurant
or store. As an example, recently my wife and I went to a press
screening of a movie that was being screened in a theatre located
in a busy shopping center. I said, “I request a Most
Benevolent Outcome for a parking place near the mall entrance, thank
you!” When we arrived, there was “my” parking
space waiting for me at the end of the row nearest the mall entrance. I
recommend starting with these simple requests so that you get immediate
feedback that these requests work.
When you know they work, then you can use them for more important
things. My wife and I decided that we wanted to “downsize” our
home, as both our children have graduated from college. My
wife kept dragging me to see one house after another during the middle
of our workday. I started requesting a Benevolent Outcome to
buy each house, as I knew that my Guardian Angel would not let me
buy the wrong house after those requests. We even made an offer
on one and someone paid the full asking price, which is almost unheard
of in these down market times. Finally, after this I said, “I
request a Most Benevolent Outcome for the PERFECT HOUSE for us, thank
you!” Naturally the next day she found the house and
we were able to buy it at a great price, as the family had already
moved to Atlanta.
In that same vein, Jacqui in Australia emailed to say that she was
going to renew her lease on an apartment (or “flat” down
under) in Melbourne and was really afraid they were going to increase
the rent, as they had all been going up recently. So she requested
a MBO (as I call them) for the same rent as before. They renewed
her lease with no increase! She said that’s unheard of
right now in Melbourne.
Linda, in the New York area, emailed several times really frightened
because she was out of work. I suggested several MBO requests
to make, such as “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for the
PERFECT job for me, thank you,” and before interviews, “I
request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this job interview, and may
it go better than I can hope for or expect, thank you! She
emailed not long after to tell me she got the job she applied for. It
was right in her field of expertise in medical technical writing.
Rick wrote, “Good MBO yesterday. Every day before I go to
work, I request a MBO to arrive safely at work, and in a timely fashion.
I work in the Wachovia Center, the home arena of the Philadelphia
Flyers and 76ers. The Flyers played a day game yesterday, and I worked
earlier than scheduled. Parking down there is a nightmare for Flyers’ games.
I expect to park somewhere far away, just short of a small cab ride.
I added to my daily MBO that I would have a parking space available
to me close to the front door to our office. Sure enough, a ten-minute
ride through the parking lot, looking for ANY space was reduced to
30 seconds --- three spots within several feet of each other were
available to me. They weren't close to the front door, but they WERE
in an area where we're supposed to park on game days, anyway (our
normal parking spaces in the arena parking lot are reserved for season
ticket holders on game day). To top it off, I left work last night
requesting an MBO for green traffic lights on the way home, and every
light was green.”
When I did my first “active” meditation (which anyone
can do with some practice) in 2005, I was told by a Shaman in the
1600’s (who also gave me the title of my book—THE GENTLE
WAY) that I was requesting Benevolent Outcomes at that time as a
Shaman myself. So if requesting MBO’s is at least 350
years old, how old is it? I was recently told that requesting
Benevolent Outcomes dates back thousands of years before our recorded
history. Here’s what I asked and my Guardian Angel Theo’s
Theo, you previously said that I was either
the first or one of the first to request Benevolent Outcomes. Did
a person teach me this, or was it by inspiration, or in a channeling?
Good question Tom. You were taught this by inspiration. You
did not channel this. You were inspired or rather I whispered
in your ear that you could do this.
What were the circumstances and how long ago?
Oh quite a few thousand years. Yes, this dates all the way
back to your days in Atlantis where you had a group of followers
and you were given a way to show them this gentle way of living. Neither
you nor they were caught up in the dramas of that time period. You
led fairly peaceful lives. So you see, these requests for MBO’s
as you call them are from a long, long time ago, yes?
Yes I see. How many people practiced
the Gentle Way back then?
Actually there were over one million people. It
was quite popular with the average person, not the scientists and
priests of that day.
It’s a simple way to live your life in a non-violent manner,
as if you stepped onto a much easier path to follow through life. Try
requesting Benevolent Outcomes. I think you’ll find a
Benevolent Universe waiting for you too!
Tom T. Moore is an author and speaker. His books include THE GENTLE WAY series, plus FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET and ATLANTIS & LEMURIA: The Lost Continents Revealed. He was voted "Best Self-Help Author" for the past three years by the readers of a health magazine. He is a telepath and answers questions sent to him from all over the world in his weekly newsletter, which can be subscribed to at www.thegentlewaybook.com.